What I learned from Shareskills about productivity and project management

Posted on July 26, 2019

Course #1: Project Management in Real Life

Here are some of the things I learned from this course:

1) Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

All your goals need to be SMART:

  • Specific
  • Mesurable
  • Achivable
  • Realistic
  • **T*ime bounded

2) Define a Project plan

Always ask these questions for a plan:

  1. What?
  2. Who?
  3. When?

3_) Schedule and Milestones

Set small milestones and schedule them that will help you to go step by step.

4_) Manage project on progress

Some of the things that we need to keep in mind:

  • Communicate Progress and Risk
  • Communicate work that is happening
  • Individual status
  • Not micromanage, but know where you are and what is blocking you

5) Reflection or Retrospective

At the end of a iteration ask yourself (or team):

  • What went well?
  • What can be improved?

And also: - Create a template for a next project - Celebrate goal!

Course #2: Productivity Habits That Stick

I like this course, because the mentor started explaining what is productivity, from his perspective:

productivity = intention + attention

Intention.- The things that drive you, list them. Attention.- Focus on the things that are on your list. Do the right things at the right time.

Approach first, act second.

Applyting both of them to my daily life

There are many things that have my intento and attention right now:

  • Guitar
  • Health
  • Foreign language
  • Soft skills
  • Tech skills


Know about your intentions and beign in touch with them. So that you can put more attention to them.

How to build awareness? ## Capture relentlessly > Capture everything, regret nothing. Clarity.- Put what’s in your mind in some place that you trust. As often, as you can.

Slow down

Grab a sheet of paper and just capture your thoughts. Brainstorm.

Speed the right things up, and slow the right things down.


You can find interesting courses for free in Shareskills, so give it a try and I hope they work for you, so far they have been helpful for me. :)