Biking in the park

I got this bike (the blue one) from my dad. He accepted it as part of j payment. That was more than 10 years ago. I keep using it but it’s quite heavy and it’s getting difficult to ride it. My knees will appreciate if I get a lighter alternative. Although, I plan on keeping the bike as it holds sentimental value, it reminds me of my dad and his efforts to obtain it for me.
The big red bike is at the Bicentenario Park in Quito. This place used to be the city’s airport and it has been converted in one of the biggest parks. This big green space is used for doing exercise, playing sports, picnicking, riding bikes, walking dogs, running events, and many more activities. The park’s name commemorates the 200-year anniversary of the Primer Grito de Independencia, one of the most significant events in the city’s and the country’s history.